Messaging for Impact

Use social science to transform how you share and present information

New session dates coming soon!

Why don’t they understand?”

“Why don’t they care?”

 “Now that they know, why isn’t anything changing?”

Have you ever had these questions after sharing presentations, data, or information? We have long assumed that if people had the right information, they would care about a problem or take necessary action. We work to build public understanding around issues but become frustrated when perceptions and behaviors stay the same. Sharing information feels like the key to creating change, but it’s rarely that simple.

The social sciences are rich with techniques that can help us encourage people to respond, take action, or think differently rather than simply understand what you are trying to convey. During this one-hour workshop, we will explore how social science skills can transform your communication style. We will focus on fundamental principles and powerful techniques that will help you harness the power of social science to enhance how you connect your key audience(s) to your work for animals, people, and the environment.  

During this one-hour workshop you will:

  • Discover why traditional techniques for messaging, presenting data, and information-sharing may fall short in achieving our goals in conservation, animal welfare, or environmental protection.

  • Explore research, activities, and case studies that reveal how to think about your messaging style differently.

  • Delve into key insights and tips for creating more powerful and memorable messages.

  • Learn how to share complex topics with a non-technical audience so the information is meaningful to them.

After the workshop, you will see the way you communicate through a new lens. This will help you rethink how you create presentations, messages, and materials so they are more likely to resonate with your target audience.

You will find this workshop valuable if you work on programs relative to conservation, animal welfare, or environmental protection and/or are a scientist who wants to create powerful messages for non-scientific audiences.

Cost: $10. We know times are tough, and we want you to have the tools that you and your team(s) need to move forward, so a full discount available to those facing financial insecurity. Use code IBDOPEN at checkout.

Registration: Space will still be limited to 25 individuals for each session, so please register early to reserve your spot.

Next Session: Coming soon!

About the Instructor

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Dr. Lauren Watkins is the Principal, Social Science & Research for Impact by Design and has more than a decade of experience working with nonprofits, zoos, aquariums, museums, parks, and reserves in the U.S. and abroad. Her expertise includes conservation psychology, environmental communication, interpretation, and education. She uses these skills to help teams and organizations apply evidence-based concepts and achieve powerful outcomes. She has a knack for making technical ideas accessible and bridging the gaps between science, communication, and design. 

In addition to her experience, Lauren has a Ph.D. from the University of Florida’s School of Forest Resources and Conservation, specializing in environmental education and communication, and fostering people’s psychological connection to nature. She holds an M.S. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in natural resource management and environmental science, as well as a B.A. from Flagler College in psychology with a minor in sociology.